Tuesday, June 25, 2013

aahhhh VACATION!

It started out sounding like a vacation start from a family comedy.  Stuck in the car on the side of the road with my parents and two kids in 90 degree heat.  However, we were LAUGHING.  I sent my husband an email: Out of gas, in the middle of no WHERE, can't get there from here, ants everyWHERE!

You see, my dad forgot to put gas in.  He didn't hear the handy little "you are about to run out of gas" warning ding OR see the little handy light flashing.  Add in the fact he wanted to explore a new way to get to where we were going AND bingo family comedy, that had us all sitting on the side of the road waiting for help.  We waited awhile since we learned the nearest gas station was about 30 mins away and thankfully we found someone willing to make that trip for us.  They were also kind enough to let us know that had we continued on our way we would not get even CLOSE to where we were trying to go.  So they sent us backtracking to find a little dirt road OVER a mountain that would put us back on track.  Perfect, we were on our way FINALLY.  (I will add that you would think sitting in a car with a 4.5 year old and a 1.5 year old having NO snacks, or toys would mean DISASTER but those kids were so so so awesome.  They laughed and giggled and sat there like champs).

We finally arrived, checked in, and literally my Princess Pie and I crossed through the tunnel "jumping into vacation!".  It is our annual week at my parents timeshare in North Conway, NH. It is such an amazing family week.  Cousins, swimming, hiking, Story Land (where fantasies live!), old country stores, trains, moose hunting, fishing, fresh strawberries, mountain lake swimming, waterfalls.  I mean really, you can not ask for more when you are a child.  However, I can. Running.  It is in one of the top favorite places that I run.  When we are here I am so happy that I became a runner.  If I wasn't a runner I would miss the beauty of a mountain morning.  The running up here is just breath taking.  I find myself just so lost in the beauty that I can NOT stop running.  My PF is back and back with a vengeance yet the pain is pushed aside so I can make it to the next bend to see what I can find there.  My husband and I steal away in the early morning leaving our sleeping babies to the ears of Grandmama and Papa.  We sneak out together and we run together.  It is my all time favorite date, vacation running.

It's funny, now when I plan a vacation I automatically go to where would I run while I am there?  And the White Mountains of NH, is a FANTASTIC place to run around.  You can choose, hilly trails, back roads, center of old quaint towns.  I never get tired of running the beauty of the mountains.  It's been the perfect little vacation for our family and for ME.  I am still injured and probably will be for awhile but I got some of the best runs in this week.  Not my fastest, no PR for time or distance but some sole discovery and connecting happened dinfintely!  


1 comment:

  1. Great post, Christina! Your description of swimming, hiking, old country stores, etc. makes me want to pack up the car right now and head north! Enjoy your vacay!
