Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Journey...

Awhile back I sat down in the quiet of the night, with nothing but the fireflies, the laptop and my thoughts and wrote down my running story.   I shared the story in hopes that I could reach one person, inspire someone, and to let others know that they weren't along in any of the struggles that they have been dealing with.  I even sent a message out to a fellow blogger telling him he could use my story.  I wanted to reach people. I want to inspire people and I want people to know why I run.  And then yesterday I came across a picture on a Facebook page I follow and I got to thinking.  You see, when I get to thinking, I tend to have a jumbled mess of thoughts in my head and it all comes out in a random mess of words.  But I got to thinking anyway and here I am now trying to sort them all out and come up with something worth reading, worth writing and worth sharing.

You see, I wrote down my story, I wrote down the why I started and sort of the why I keep going. But since I tend to run with running partners and groups, this quote really got me thinking.  While we are all running the exact same road how is it different?  Running tends to be like a shower for me.  I think out there and I have time to process thoughts without little voices yelling "mama mama more juice" "Mooooommmmmm he's bothering me, he took my fairy" and "moooommm I have to poop" to name a few of the constant thought interruptions.  So I came up with a ooohhh lets do it plan! I want to have guest bloggers (actually something I have always ALWAYS wanted to do since I think it sounds so cool!) that talk about their journey.  What does YOUR journey look like?  What drives you, what drives me?  How do you deal with the mind games? The voice in your head? What discoveries have you made out there? Why do you keep going? How has your running changed? How has your life changed?  I have a few takers who are even willing to do this, and I couldn't be more excited!!! So stay tuned for some guest bloggers YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! And if you want to share too then please just let me know.  I have a small addiction in learning about different runners and love reading all the stories! 

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