I hated running when I was young. Avoided it like the plague, cursed and sulked during track and field season. If you fast forward I was active, rode horses and trained them. Did some treadmill stuff to shift weight but hated it with a passion. At 27 I became a mother, I gained 60lbs and it stayed after pregnancy. I had this awesome baby boy and then? then I got sick. I couldn't walk, staggered and stumbled. Weak and tired I finally woke up with numbness in my left arm. I had already been diagnosed over the course of my little boys first year with Fibro. This was something else. By the end of the month I was blind in one eye and in agony in the hospital. Optic Neuritis was the cause and the MRI said I had Multiple Sclerosis. Once they had figured it out I was 30. My lesions affected my motor control and my gait. I needed physio. I was walking with a cane. My husband sent me on a cruise and told me to soak the quiet. In the islands no one could believe a pretty 30yo woman could look okay but not be able to walk three hundred yards. We lived in Texas and the heat made everything worse. Everything. I was housebound. But that
wheelchair had been promised to me. the lesions were already there, dormant now but still waiting to pronounce me crippled. I couldn't walk a mile. I had to do something or my son would never see me out of the chair or without a walker. I would be a quitter before I had even tried. I did push ups. You don't need balance and the floor
is close. I did burpees because hey, fall, push, get up... right? In the cool, after crying for days it seemed, my husband drove me to the park and in the shade as the sun rose I made myself walk. Physio had fixed the worst of the drop foot and the odd listing had stopped. I was fat. I was wheezy from a lifetime of asthma. The next day I ran. the little loop in the park was just shy of the mile. I ran it. it was torture. took me a ridiculous time. I came back. ran again. three times a week he would bring me and spend half an hour playing in the cool with kiddo while I bullied myself round that paved shady trail. But I won. I got stronger. I learned how to balance on numb feet. Learned to run and learned to love the freedom. the quiet in my head. I was able to write again but couldn't always read the print on the monitor. but I could do it. I mapped a loop in our shady but sidewalk-less neighborhood that winter and built mileage. the pounds dripped off. I ran each day that winter. That was a while back. I'll be 32 this summer. Since then I've moved country for my health, because I can't be trapped. Because I have to
be outside where I can run. I found myself. I saved myself. I am not a cripple and I have not wasted my warning. While I have my legs I will run. I will never forget that FB update the first time I logged 5 miles before breakfast and fulfilled that promise to myself. that I would do it, that I would want more. I did. Before I left Texas at easter I ran 8 miles in glorious crisp sunshine to say goodbye to the trails I found myself on. those miles healed the parts of me that had nothing to do with my body and had everything to do with strength. I am strong enough. I know what it is to be floored. I know how to get back up again. I've run into mailboxes and tripped over nothing. But I never once stopped. This summer I'll run my first half. Next month I'll run a 10k and call it easy. I regularly run better than that just to feel that all is right with something. MS will always knock me down. Running showed me how to get back up. My little boy has a strong mama. he's so proud of me. 'Mama Exercises.' he tells people. 'Good luck, I love you mama have a good run!' he calls. I won't run forever but for now, while I can? I will run. I will run back to that playground and my biggest fan runs to meet me so I can scoop him onto my shoulders and finish strong with him up high laughing and screaming his delight at his mama. That's my story. That's why I run.
No one should look down and say 'I could have. But I never learned how it felt.' I can run anywhere. (PS. I totally don't weigh 240lbs anymore. bonus!Since Alexis has sent in her story she has recently completed her FIRST 10k!!! She was one of 40,000 runners and finished in just a shade over an hour!!!! Way to go Alexis you are the epitome of strength and inspiration!
How inspiring! What an amazing post!