Oh wow, time seems to be flying (the opposite of my pace, especially lately). Like really flying. I just completed the 11th week of my 18 week training plan. Did I hit all the scheduled runs? NOPE. I was in a sort of funk after taking the recovery time and to be honest this run in anything Mainah just didn't feel like getting out there that much in this unfair cold start to spring? Really? It is spring? Because the 40 mph winds and the single digit temperatures are doing a fabulous job at hiding the turn of seasons. But this week there was a major break through in more than one way. Although I didn't hit all the scheduled miles, I did attempt AND complete the 16 miler. I overcame some SEVERE mental challenges and I was completely and utterly OK having "failed" my training this week.
Marathon Training Week 11:
The Miles:
Sunday ~ 3 miles (run TO boot camp, not my smartest idea....)
Wednesday ~ 8 mile bike
2 mile run (Does that mean I did brick work?!)
Friday ~ 4.6 miles (.6 was with my mini)
Saturday ~ 16, yes 16 FREAKING whole miles!
The Weather:
Cold, windy and totally not spring like. OR you can say it was LION weather as my son liked to announce every morning. "Looks like today is more lion weather mom" Yep, no kidding when will the nice, soft, fluffy, gentle lamb be making an appearance? This rate probably June. Which means, suck it up buttercup, you will be running your marathon with the lions!
Well Sunday I did some what of a new route, making small laps down all the side streets on my way to boot camp. (Yeah so not a good idea....). Wednesday, boring gym route. Where I got a kick out of naming all the "hamsters" around me. Friday, I actually did a loop that I normally will only do with a buddy. There is one road I just hate running alone it gives me an unsettled feeling of being out too far by myself but I actually found I liked this route. Ending at the school to walk my daughter home was the highlight of that one. (Will she ever care that I pick her up all sweaty and wearing spandex? Probably but no signs of that yet. So far only her Dad has embarrassed her.) Which leaves me with Saturday's route. Honestly, no freakin clue where I went, I just went. This way and that way. Over here and over there. This road again? Sure why not. Until I heard the glorious sound of the Runkeepr App voice announce 16 miles were done. What the heck who am I kidding. The last 6 miles were pretty tough and I was watching that app like a hawk counting down each and every 1/10 of a mile.
No actual PHYSICAL gear was added. However, boot camp and brick workouts were. I have decided to really up my game strength training wise. I need the extra help breaking mental barriers and the strength to just keep going when I just want to quit. I didn't even get to use any of my "spring" attire. I am still out there all bundled up in layers. The foam roller too is making many appearances.
Lessons Learned:
Oh boy! What don't you learn from running? This was the week when things got real. I had to let go of nailing every run, every mile. I had to accept that I didn't or couldn't do it all. For me, that is a hard truth to swallow. When I do something, I DO it. ALL of it, every last bit of it. This time, with this training and this goal I am learning that I CAN"T. Yep, I can NOT do it all. All I can do is my very best and I think for me that learning the lesson that letting a run go, or a mile go, or cross training with the bike does NOT mean I am failing. It means, I am growing. I am growing as a runner and I am growing more love for myself. I am listening to my body, adapting my plan as I go for the needs I have at the moment. This is a dream for me and it is not made up by the number of miles I can churn out but by the lessons I learn along the way that grow me into who I want to become. Speaking of adapting, at the end of this week I took my training calendar off the wall and I
changed it. Yep, I CHANGED it up. I CHANGED my plan. It is basically the same plan but it is now a plan that will hopefully work better for me and help me reach my goal of finishing a marathon. I know my time will not be the greatest, or even good in most people's books. I won't look all fancy out there BUT I have learned that I need to change things for ME and embrace what I can do with what I am giving. Being a mom to three means my "me" time is limited. With this training schedule I miss my husband and my kids and the family time. By tweaking my plan just a little I am hoping that I can fit it all in and find myself being able to squeeze in more of the lazy unpredictable family time. Oh and the biggest lesson I learned this week? I CAN! I can put one foot in front of the other. I can cry and breakdown and keep going. I can force the voice in my head to be WRONG. I CAN KEEP GOING! I can be proud yet battered and bad ass yet weak.
Oh and also NEVER EVER EVER run to boot camp UNLESS you know for sure you can find a ride home ;)
Have YOU ever changed a training plan in the middle? Do you think it can help?
I think you have a great attitude. That is the beauty or should I say the BEAST of a marathon, the unpredictability. You could have an AMAZING training cycle and totally blow the race. You could have a sucky training and totally rock the race. There is so much uncertainty that you have to go in with an open mind and not be too hard on yourself. I absolutely think you are doing the right thing. Keep rocking it mama!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sue!!!!!! I am learning for sure and this may be my only 26.2 but it will forever make me into the person I am learning I WANT to be :)