blizzards, hurricanes, rain, shine, humidity, Arctic cold and even a lightening storm a time or two (on my way home, I did NOT set out in lightening), but due to the amount of snow in the short time span that it has been snowing this winter the roads are really unsafe to run on. The banks are too high to jump in case I need to dive out of the way of any vehicle not to mention that not only has the shoulder of the road disappeared so has most of the travel lanes, making the road barely passable for two cars at the same time. Let alone two cars and a runner. So, I gave in, sucked it up, put on my big girl panties and joined a gym to become acquainted with "The Treadmill" (dum dum daaaaa...).

the 3 milers have been torture. I get on and immediately am bored, and just do NOT want to be on it. I play games, mental games where I can't look at the distance until I see the TV switch to a commercial, or I mess with the pace, increasing it every 1/10 of a mile until I am full out sprinting (7 min mile for me) then hold the sprint until I want to die and go all the way back down and start over again.

It was so totally COOL!!! I mean wicked cool. How much of a badass was I? I just ran until the machine shut OFF. I outlasted that damn thing and I was still standing!!! I am a BAMR and there is no denying it now. I was on an INSTANT runner's high. Not the kind that happens when you are out in the fresh air, with the sun on your back (or in my case a soft rain on my face), or the gentle breeze blowing across you. Not the kind you get when you just take in all of the beauty around you and sink into an easy pace as the scenes unfold and you just go whatever route your heart takes you. Oh no,
this runner's high was all gym sweat and machines, TV and people watching, This high wasn't all about the run in so much as I out lasted a damn machine! Me, the one who is just a mediocre runner. I don't look like a runner and I am pretty sure all of them watching me thought that at least once while we were all hamsters going round and round. I do not have experience in training like I am training or going as far as I am going but I OUTLASTED the damn machine AND turned it back on for more. I was so caught up in floating on this stale sweat smell high that I paid no attention to where I went after I wiped down the machine, Ending up in the men's locker room. Only realizing it when I opened locker 24 (SCORED my favorite number for a locker today!!!!) and nothing was there except the smell of Old Spice....
I was so high from running on "The Treadmill" that I was oblivious to anyting else. Now that is what I would call a successful training run!
Gosh I wish I could some sort of high from the darn dready, LOL! Too funny! <3
ReplyDeleteI am thinking that next time it wont be so much of a high since I already know it shuts off and I will just have to turn it back on ;)
Deleteyes I know, I only had 6 so I didn't really need to turn it back on ;) Thanks!!! I am not sure how you do it, I am thinking I can only handle one MAYBE two runs a week on it....
ReplyDeleteGreat job... I'm still disliking my mill! #givemearoadanyday